Glenn Howe


“There’s a thrill in doing something for the first time and having success, much like a being a pioneer.”

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Intuitive, intimate architectural design. It’s something we obsess over at SHIFT – and Glenn bravely steers us in exciting new directions. His job, in its simplest form, is to match the needs of SHIFT customers with opportunities presented by land and builders. It’s a wide-ranging role, from site investigation, master planning, feasibility and concepts, to research and development of new technology and co design workshops. That’s what you see. What you may not see is the leadership, compassion, and collaboration it takes to make that happen. We knew right away Glenn was the perfect fit for the job. Coming from a background working on indigenous housing and community projects, Glenn understands that not everyone is experienced in designing for a specific group. He’ll take it on himself to bring everyone together on the same page, acting as a voice for the client as he guides individuals along a shared journey.

To develop innovative, pioneering design solutions, Glenn leans on two core sources. A holistic application of knowledge he’s gained from diverse past projects, and commitment to a ‘co-design’ process, which he believes everyone in SDA should have a chance to be involved in. Watch Glenn at work and you’ll see a designer that truly respects the contribution of others. Open-minded and curious, Glenn works alongside tenants and their family members, carers, architects, engineers and builders, bouncing off different skills and ideas to ensure the process benefits from everyone’s involvement.

One big motivator for Glenn is challenging outdated norms. If something is ‘just the way it's done’, he’ll question why that's the case, and push harder to get to where the project needs to be. This trait is invaluable in the SDA environment. It’s a complex task trying to figure out the best way to bring all the design and technology ideas together, especially when it hasn't been done before. There’s no guidebook to follow when you’re the one writing the rules. By designing fearlessly and focusing on the things he and his team get right, Glenn builds on an ever-evolving blueprint for ‘better’.

In SHIFT, Glenn is proud to work for a profit-for-purpose organisation that priorities people. It starts with the kind of people that are attracted to work in such an environment in the first place - likeminded people who share an appreciation of what each individual is trying to achieve. The outcomes they create together are incredible rewarding, whether it’s helping people living with disabilities feel comfortable, enjoy new experiences, or just take away some of the stress of getting around their home. For Glenn, seeing people thrilled with what you have designed and appreciating the spaces for many years is makes him proud to be a part of such a game-changing housing movement.


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